Title: Composition with Flowers / Σύνθεση με Λουλούδια (Provenance: Galerie Alphonse Chave)
Artist: Thanasis Tsingos / Θανάσης Τσίγγος (1914-1965)
Dimensions: 46 x 55 cm. Oil / Canvas
Year: 20th century / 20ός αιώνας
Details: Thanasis Tsingos was born in Eleusis in 1914. He studied Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens from where he graduated in 1936.Based in Paris since 1948, he bought the Gaite Montparnasse Theatre and took over as manager, taking charge of the scenography, costumes and management of the business. There, he met with important artists and intellectuals such as Sartre, Chagall and Picasso. The painter of 'pulsating flowers' first exhibited his work at the Gallerie du Siecle in 1950, while in 1953 he had his first solo exhibition at Studio Paul Facchetti in Paris. From 1954 to 1961 he exhibited his work in Paris, in galleries, at the Salon des Realites Nouvelles and elsewhere, coexisting with artists such as Fautrier and Max Ernst. In 1961 he returned to Athens, where he died four years later. In 1980 a retrospective exhibition of Tsingou was held at the National Gallery-Museum of Alexandros Soutsos, as well as at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.